
Topaktuelle Hongkong News

Wenn das mal kein Aprilscherz ist, aber gerade habe ich bei Chris im Weblog gelesen, dass zukünftig der HK Dollar nicht mehr an den US Dollar gebunden ist, sondern an den Euro gebunden werden soll. Das hat er aus Insiderkreisen erfahren und wird am Montag in einer offiziellen Pressekonferenz verkündet werden. Näheres könnt Ihr entweder hier oder bei Chris im Blog lesen.

During a speech held at the Hong Kong Foreign Bank Representatives Association Luncheon, Joseph Yam, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, announced a major shift in HKMA's Linked Exchange Rate System. Mr. Yam announced that the fixed exchange rate of the Hong Kong dollar to the U.S. dollar will be changed in favour of the Euro. "This is to reflect our strong economical relationship to Europe," Mr. Yam said. Hong Kong's exports to Europe make up about 50 percent of the total exports (without China), representing a value of over HK$ 230 million in 2003. According to HKMA sources, fixing the Hong Kong dollar to the Euro should boost this numbers up by at least 50 percent. Mr. Yam unveiled three phases for the plan that has been negotiated in secret talks with the European Central Bank (www.ecb.int) over the last five years:

1. Switch to fixed exchange rate of EUR1 to HK$7.50 by January 1, 2005
2. Accepting the Euro as valid currency in the HKSAR by January 1, 2006
3. Issueing new coins in the HKSAR by January 1, 2006

Mr. Yam made it clear that the name of the HK dollar will not be changed to HK Euro. Furthermore, he said that this is not a response to current U.S. foreign policy.

For further enquiries, please contact:

Jasmin Fung, Manager (Press), at 2878 8246 or
Thomas Chan, Senior Manager (Press), at 2878 1480

Hong Kong Monetary Authority
April 5, 2004

Posted by riebi at 01.04.04 12:04